Shift Scheduling Benchmark Data Sets
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New lower and upper bound for Instance15 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
This updates an incorrect, previously reported lower bound for this instance.
LB UB Instance15: 3827 3828
New solution for Instance15 of the nurse rostering instances found by Lennart Van Hirtum, PhD Student at CODeS KU Leuven.
Instance15: 3829
New lower and upper bounds for Instance22 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
LB UB Instance22: 30241 30241
New lower and upper bounds for Instance22 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
LB UB Instance22: 30240 30244
New upper bound for Instance21 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
LB UB Instance21: 21133 21133
New lower and upper bounds for Instance15 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
LB UB Instance15: 3829* 3831
*A new UB of 3828 and a corrected LB of 3827 were later found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan on 03-Feb-2025.
New lower and upper bounds for Instance21 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
LB UB Instance21: 21133 21158
New lower and upper bounds for Instance15 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
LB UB Instance15: 3829* 3832
*A new UB of 3828 and a corrected LB of 3827 were later found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan on 03-Feb-2025.
A new lower bound for Instance15 of the nurse rostering instances found by Tak.Sugawara at Sugawara-Systems, Japan.
Found using column generation.
More information available here.
Lower bound ----------- Instance15: 3827
Two new solutions from Robert Randall and Irv Lustig at Princeton Consultants, Inc. for the nurse
rostering instances, using a combination of the RIP (Reciprocating Integer Programming) Technique (paper in progress) and Integer Programming:
Instance15: 3833 (Found 17th May 2020) Instance15: 3833 (Found 24th April 2020)
New solution and LB from Robert Randall and Irv Lustig at Princeton Consultants, Inc. for the nurse
rostering instances, using a combination of the RIP (Reciprocating Integer Programming) Technique (paper in progress) and Integer Programming:
LB UB Instance19: 3149 Instance20: 4769 4769
New solution from Petter Strandmark for the nurse rostering instances:
Instance24: 42463
More information about the method used is available in the paper First-order linear programming in a column generation-based heuristic approach to the nurse rostering problem.
New solutions from Peter de Voogd (Erasmus University Rotterdam / ORTEC) for the nurse rostering instances, using Integer Programming:
LB UB Instance20 4767 Instance21 21124 Instance24 26571 44089
New solutions for the multi-activity, multi-day workforce timetabling problem instances.
New solutions from Peter de Voogd (Erasmus University Rotterdam / ORTEC) for the nurse rostering instances, using Integer Programming:
LB UB Instance20 4758 4796 Instance22 28997 31279 Instance23 16990
New benchmark instances for the multi-activity, multi-day workforce timetabling problem have been added.
New solutions from Pieter Smet (Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven) for the nurse rostering instances, using Integer Programming:
Time(s) LB UB Instance08 880.4 1300 1300 Instance09 1769.6 439 439 Instance13 12074.5 1348 1348 Instance14 456.7 1278 1278 Instance16 488.3 3225 3225 Instance17 1096.2 5746 5746 Instance18 2675.5 4459 4459 LB UB Instance15 3823 3834 Instance19 3148 3149
New solutions from Petter Strandmark for the nurse rostering instances,
using branch and price
(source code available at
Solution Instance13 1388 Instance15 4039 Instance19 3218 Instance20 4943 Instance21 21159 Instance22 33155 Instance23 17428 Instance24 48777
New solutions from Felix Winter (Technical University of Vienna) for the nurse rostering instances, using
a metaheuristic and constraint programming hybrid method:
Solution Time (secs) Instance19 3688 19684 Instance20 5936 5010.18 Instance21 22020 53044.2 Instance22 37912 62141.2 Instance23 41574 3552.77 Instance24 54344 84340.8
New results for the nurse rostering instances, using Gurobi 5.6.3 (report)
New lower bounds and solutions from Petter Strandmark for the nurse rostering instances:
Lower bounds
Instance13: 519 Instance21: 11898 Instance22: 24064 Instance23: 2765
Instance14: 1779 Instance15: 4932 Instance21: 22215 Instance22: 46849
New lower bounds found by Petter Strandmark for the nurse rostering instances, using Integer Programming:
Instance1: 607 Instance14: 1254 Instance15: 3740 Instance17: 5706 Instance18: 4175 Instance19: 2689 Instance20: 4091
New lower bounds for the nurse rostering instances, found using Column Generation:
Instance1: 558 Instance2: 828 Instance3: 1001 Instance4: 1716 Instance5: 1141 Instance6: 1949 Instance7: 1055 Instance8: 1297 Instance9: 406 Instance10: 4631 Instance11: 3443 Instance12: 4040 Instance16: 3224
New best known solutions for the nurse rostering instances, found using Branch and Price:
--------------------------------- Instance Solution Time(s) --------------------------------- Instance1 607 0.27 Instance2 828 0.13 Instance3 1001 0.45 Instance4 1716 1.5 Instance5 1160 25.61 Instance6 1952 10.46 Instance7 1058 93.73 Instance8 1308 11831.06 Instance9 439 76.99 Instance10 4631 113.44 Instance11 3443 19.11 Instance12 4046 1336.40 Instance16 3323 265.02
24 new instances have been added. The instances have been designed to be easier to understand and use but challenging to solve. The instances range in size from 2 weeks to 52 weeks and 8 staff to 150 staff. They are available in an XML or a plain delimited text format.
The University of Nottingham has formed a spin-out company (Staff Roster Solutions) to licence and develop the rostering engine previously available at this site. The benchmark instances will continue to be hosted at this site. Roster Booster and the XML format documentation have moved to
New version of Roster Booster (1.6.0).
New version of Roster Booster (1.5.0) which includes a column generation algorithm for calculating lower bounds on instances.
New version of Roster Booster which includes two new constraints: EmployeePairings and Conditionals.
New best known solutions for instance Ikegami-3Shift-DATA1.1 (3) and instance Ikegami-3Shift-DATA1.2 (3), found by Nobuo Inui, Kenta Maeda and Atsuko Ikegami.
New best known solution for instance Ikegami-3Shift-DATA1 (2), found by Nobuo Inui, Kenta Maeda and Atsuko Ikegami.
Updated the results spreadsheet to include some recent publications.
New best known solution for instance ORTEC02 (270), found by Celia Glass and Roger Knight. See reference [GLA09].
New results :
Lower bounds ------------ Valouxis-1 - 20 GPost-B - 3
Added two small instances taken from papers published in the 80's (Ozkarahan.ros and Musa.ros)
Added two new instances Azaiez.ros and LLR.ros
New results :
Upper bounds ------------ GPost - 5 Valouxis-1 - 20 Lower bounds ------------ ORTEC01 - 270 (more info) GPost - 5 (more info) WHPP - 5 (more info)
More best known solutions found by DeWolf Fan Xue (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) :
Valouxis-1 - 60 Valouxis-1 - 120 BCV-A.12.2 - 1953 BCV-3.46.1 - 3280 BCV-3.46.2 - 894
More best known solutions found by DeWolf Fan Xue (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) :
ORTEC01 - 270 BCV-A.12.1 - 1294 BCV-A.12.1 - 1305 BCV-A.12.1 - 1330 BCV-3.46.1 - 3282 BCV-3.46.1 - 3283
DeWolf Fan Xue (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) found two new best known solutions for instance BCV-A.12.1 (1345 and 1354).
Added an installer for roster viewer (also changed name to Roster Booster).
Roster viewer (0.6).
- Printing and print previewing rosters.
- Adding, editing and deleting constraints.
- Emailing schedules to employees.
- Cut, copy and paste shifts in the roster.
- Freeze days on the roster so nothing can be assigned or unassigned on
those days.
- Added a flag for shifts which indicates whether or not they can be
auto-assigned (e.g. by an auto-assignment algorithm). This allows
'shifts' such as 'training days' to be used.
- Select photos for employees.
- Enter phone and email details for employees.
Roster viewer (0.5.1).
New version of roster viewer (0.5).
New version of roster viewer (0.4). Minor changes to API (2.3.1).
Version 2.3 available.
Added the Valouxis instance.
Added the WHPP instance.
Added the Ikegami and Niwa data sets.
New version of the roster viewer.
Added the data sets from hospitals in Montreal.
Bug fixes to the roster viewer.
Version 2.0 available. Includes a number of changes:
- Min, max, preferred levels of cover can be specified and penalised by
deviation from these levels.
- Cover can be specified for each skill.
- Cover can be specified by period of day as well as per shift.
- A number of new constraints.
Added some new data sets.
A GUI is now available for viewing and creating/changing rosters by hand.
Version 1.1 of the API available.
Simple command line user interface available for download.
Added to the website some more documentation about the data formats.
Added the QMC data set.
Some of the instances have been renamed.
The name changes are as follows:
Data1 = BCV-1.8.1 Data1b = BCV-1.8.2 Data1c = BCV-1.8.3 Data1d = BCV-1.8.4 Data2 = BCV-2.46.1 Data3 = BCV-3.46.1 Data3b = BCV-3.46.2 Data4 = BCV-4.13.1 Data4b = BCV-4.13.2 Data5 = BCV-5.4.1 Data6 = BCV-6.13.1 Data6b = BCV-6.13.2 Data7 = BCV-7.10.1 Data8 = BCV-8.13.1 Data8b = BCV-8.13.2 DataA = BCV-A.12.1 DataB = BCV-A.12.2